Father who’s called Halifax home for 17 years
Selectboard member
Broadband Committee chair
Small business owner
Sustainability professional
Building science expert
Doer who looks for ways to make long-term progress
Lifelong Independent running as a Democrat
Pragmatist with strong values
Father who’s called Halifax home for 17 years
Selectboard member
Broadband Committee chair
Small business owner
Sustainability professional
Building science expert
Doer who looks for ways to make long-term progress
Lifelong Independent running as a Democrat
Pragmatist with strong values

Hi! I’m Tristan Roberts.
As I write this on January 1, 2025 the major transition in my life is the impending conclusion of my term as Representative in the Vermont Legislature. I am proud of my term in office and grateful to the residents of Halifax, Whitingham and Wilmington for trusting me to represent you in Montpelier for the last two years. My many constituent newsletters remain posted here, and certain pages of the website still reflect that position. However, as of July, I’m now a father of two and am staying at home with our baby and working on some fun art projects here on Quill Nook Farm. I plan to continue posting new writings here and keeping in touch with my newsletter friends on new announcements. Please sign up for the newsletter to stay in touch, or send me a note — my email is my first name and this website domain. You can also camp here, and we have been proud WWOOF hosts since 2009. Enjoy the website! -T.R.
My story
I put my roots down in Halifax in 2005, having made Windham County my home since 1998. I was brought up on a Hudson Valley dairy farm and graduated from Marlboro College. I’ve worked and lived among people from all walks of life as a farmer, writer, and professional in the building products industry.
I'm a proud father to a 10-year-old. I take comfort in living among neighbors who share Vermont values of self-reliance and independence, folks who want to enjoy freedoms to build, grow, or make it ourselves.
I’m a two-term Halifax Selectboard member who appreciates and treats with respect each and every one of the people who I see at Town Meeting and in driveway conversations. We may not always see eye-to-eye. But we all are willing to work shoulder-to-shoulder when it counts, whether it’s living through Irene, coping with COVID, or passing a responsible highway budget.
As chair of the Broadband Committee, I advocated for Halifax to become a founding town of DV Fiber. I supported DV Fiber’s decision to retain local ownership and control as the best shot we have at building an affordable, reliable network that reaches everyone.
I’m a small business owner, one who believes in our three small towns and the honest, hardworking people here. I am also aware of the challenges we face. How can the Valley continue to be a home for working families if we can’t find homes for our teachers, nurses, and first responders? How can we support thriving village centers in an economy that’s increasingly online? How can provide our kids with a great education while keeping our town and school budgets affordable for average taxpayers when costs are growing at a global level?
I’m a born question-asker with a curiosity for the question at the heart of the matter. I’m also a lifelong problem-solver, known by friends, family and coworkers for both grit and heart.
I’m someone who understands our towns, and how our district is different from the other 149. I understand many of the unique challenges and opportunities shared by our 4,200 residents. I also know I have a lot to learn, and I’m always willing to put in the time.
At 43, I feel moved to step forward and offer myself as a candidate to be your representative in Montpelier. I would be accountable for my votes, transparent about how my values inform my decisions, and strong in my convictions. It’s not in the job description to please every voter, but I am someone who will always listen to and respect the viewpoint of every voter.
A lifelong Independent, I’m running as a Democrat. I’m honored that Ann Manwaring, who served our district for five terms, has signed as my campaign Treasurer.
If elected, I will vote for my values and my district over party affiliation. I believe I can do the most good for our district by being at the table with the party that’s shaping and influencing the Statehouse agenda.

Tristan stands for values like:
Accountability and transparency
Advocacy for all our residents
Belief in the strength and resilience of our towns
Independent thinking for our common interests

Issues Tristan wants to focus on:
Roads and Bridges
Our highway crews work hard to provide safe roads despite rising costs and new challenges. To support them as taxpayers, we need the full support of Montpelier.
Universal Broadband
We need high-speed Internet for everything from education to telemedicine to job opportunities. Current efforts to reach underserved addresses need to be completed, and to be affordable.
Families and Businesses
Our communities will only prosper in the long term if average residents can make a life here. Housing and affordable childcare are sorely needed by everyone, including working families and small business owners.
Health & Wellness
Not being a large population center doesn’t make our residents any less deserving of full access to good healthcare. That includes veterans’ services, substance-abuse prevention and treatment, mental health, and telemedicine.
Stewarding Our Environment
We benefit today from past generations of Vermonters who have made stewardship of our land, waterways, and air quality a priority. We need to continue to protect what we love while transitioning our economy to support the health and prosperity of future generations.
Personal Reproductive Liberty
I support Vermont’s Constitutional protection of personal reproductive liberty, and strong laws that protect women’s health and safe access to healthcare.

“Tristan Roberts, an honest man of deep thought and integrity, will have my vote for state representative.”
“We need leaders like Tristan who can recognize good opportunities and work to accomplish them.”
“Tristan doesn’t hold back from telling people his real feelings or thoughts. He’s someone where you always can share, and have someone who cares and will listen to you.”

I’d like to get to know you better.
What challenges are you facing? What issues do you want Montpelier to hear about?
Email: tristanrobertshalifax@gmail.com
Call/text: 802-275-2881
I'd love to get to know you better. Write me a note back if you'd like at tristanrobertshalifax@gmail.com or text me at 802-275-2881.
Tristan Roberts for Vermont
PO Box 384
Wilmington, VT 05363