I’m nervous today.
Dear friend,
I'm nervous.
As soon as I write that, I get more nervous. For every friend out there who writes back often saying simply, "Thanks for staying in touch," I have friends out there who write in to say the opposite. Some folks out there write in now and then and suggest me in various ways that I write a) too many emails, b) too often, that c) reveal too much for an elected leader.
Here I am today, nervous about today's House floor, and also worried that I'm going to hear back from friends that I'm breaking unspoken political form to admit that to voters.
I'm pressing "send" anyway. I enjoy staying in touch with my friends, and I consider everyone reading this a friend. If that's not you, or you want to hear from me a little less but not lose touch, you can change your email frequency or unsubscribe below.
Here's another reason I share this.
My first day gathering signatures to run for State Rep last May, I was nervous. You're telling me I have to interrupt people on the sidewalk in the middle of their day and ask them for something? Are you kidding me?
I went for it anyway, embraced it, and it got fun. I learned so much from talking to voters.
Before I walked up to my first door to knock in June, I was nervous.
Again, I went for it and it got fun. I learned so much from talking to voters.
Before the first time I asked friends for donations in August, I was nervous.
You know what happened next.
Before my first election, Primary Day in August, I was nervous.
Before my first debate in September, I was nervous.
Before Election Day, I was nervous.
And through every one of these experiences I committed to growing my comfort zone and my skills. Feeling "nervous" is one of the signals that I'm challenging myself.
When I started asking for money, I didn't want to. I didn't want to hear the awkward silences and the "no's." But I thought it through and decided to get out and ask for donations. Voters deserve someone who can ask uncomfortable questions on their behalf. I wouldn't have asked for the money if I didn't believe in what I was doing. I try to take opportunities to grow and to share what I've learned.
The Devotionals are non-political offerings such as poems, stories, or music that set a tone for our deliberations. Not a sermon so much as a thought to contemplate. They may be offered by Representatives or by our constituents. Would you like to offer one? Please email me and I'll share the detailed criteria.
It will be my honor to offer a short Devotional at the beginning of today's House floor. Thank you, voters, for giving me this opportunity.
If you want to tune in live, head to the Legislative homepage just before 3 p.m. EST today and look for the Live Audio or Live Video link.
What are you doing this week that you're nervous about?