Treasurer offers quick check for unclaimed property


Dear friend,

State Treasurer Mike Pieciak is trying to help spread the word about the more $119 million his office currently holds in unclaimed property.

I thought I'd help!

In 2022, the Treasurer’s Office paid out over 15,000 claims totaling over $5.3 million that went back into the pockets of Vermonters – with the average claim being just over $400.

Unclaimed property is money and other property that has been turned over to the Treasurer’s Office. Common examples are forgotten bank accounts, safe deposit boxes, unpaid life insurance benefits, security deposits or uncashed checks.

It only takes a moment to search and see if you have any unclaimed property in your name.

I just did, and I found I have unclaimed property! It looks like a check of around $25 from a refund of some kind. Nothing too exciting, but I can attest that the database is fast the search and the claims process seems pretty smooth. Give it a try!

You can search Vermont’s unclaimed property database at or search multiple state databases at once using

The latter search has a lot more results that in my case weren't relevant. But if you take a minute to sift through them, there might be something there. Search not just for yourself but for parents, grandparents, etc.

Questions? Send an email to or call (802) 828-2407 or (800) 642-3191. The team at the Treasurer’s Office is always happy to assist you. Thanks, Treasurer!


I’m nervous today.


Thank you Kate Donnally.