Please delete this email.


Dear friend,

I hate it when people apologize for being alive.

Like when someone says this on the phone or zoom: "I'm sorry about my dog barking."

My response: "What's your dog's name? Ours is Oliver."

Or this: "I'm sorry I didn't text you back yet."

My response: "I'm sure we'll connect when the time is right."

Or this: "I'm sorry I haven't read all your emails."

My response: "Please delete my emails. Including this one."

I hate inbox anxiety. I hate the fact that I'm probably responsible for a couple or more unread emails in your inbox.

If you ever need to find something you missed, just email me, or check out the archive on my website. In the meantime, delete!

With the legislative session over (for now -- see Let’s see what HR says about it for what's ahead), I'm playing catch-up with family, house projects, and everyone's favorite, the email inbox.

I'm scheduling times to visit with neighbors and local organizations to talk about the 2023 session and what's ahead. If you and I have been playing email or phone tag and you want to meet up or talk about anything, please let me know.

I'm also doing a little non-legislative writing. Here is a preview of my next Reformer column: The task of hoping.

I hope you enjoy it. But only if you have time. Otherwise, you know what to do ;-)


Vermont’s wartime budget


Let’s see what HR says about it