Welcome to This Spot on Earth. This is a home for a selection of my essays on nature, healing, and family. Other topics include AI, the dignity of loving one’s work, and the weight of something colorless.
I reflect at times on campaigning and then serving my first year in the Vermont House, and some of the experiences that got me there, like visiting George Floyd Square and before that, re-facing a Civil War monument with my son.
I’d love for you to sign up so that I can notify you every week or so about new posts. Enjoy reading! -Tristan
Ghost story
This wouldn’t be a ghost story if it had a solid conclusion. But I pray you heed it well.
Thoughts in opposition and elation to the self
The most important part of my reality may sometimes be the thing that I most take for granted.
Hope for the kids?
Here's a snapshot of one moment last week that encapsulates why I've been pouring energy into email/blog form.
As American as scrambled eggs
The faults in American history aren’t a reason to turn away. They’re a reason to show up. They’re a reason to say, “We are strong enough to face anything.”
Work is love is dignity
In my experience, where there is joy in achievement, it’s not because it fill’s one’s cup of self-worth.
To blame is to interrupt responsibility
Thoughts said out loud become dialogue. Dialogue becomes action, a journey taken together.
She saved my life.
I like encountering people who practice checking in. They are lifesavers.
The infancy of infinity
Damn. It rolled through my mind again yesterday. That memory of third grade. Watching the Amish filmstrip.
A place to stand
Some say the eyes are the window to the soul. But I wonder if the nose has it.
Am I “lonely”?
Being elected State Representative has multiplied the presence of such wonderful gifts in my life as unsolicited fashion advice and misplaced invective.
The weight of something colorless
Multi-generational alcoholism is just about the worst thing that’s happened to my bloodline. I became aware of this when I was about 10, due to events around my grandfather’s death. No sooner did I gain this awareness than I became afraid of alcohol and what it could do to me.
The grim reaper doesn’t bluff, and that’s okay
I felt that 44 would either be the most amazing year, or horrible. Horrible because of my impending doom.
Overwhelm is a hungry ghost
In legends, humans didn’t have flutes all along. They were given to those in dire need.
A burn permit for Red vs. Blue
“I say vote for the person,” Wayne said, gesturing upward with his index finger. I couldn’t agree more. But why does that seem so uncommon?
Grace can exist at any time
Next to my dinner plate was a piece of paper with my to-do list.
How to talk to a woodcock
I wish I could buy laser surgery to improve my hearing, like I did with my eyes. I wouldn’t have to, though. My girlfriend would pay for it first.